In 1979, Ugo Conti Bonacossi, owner of Tenuta di Capezzana, the leading estate in Carmignano, created a unique Super Tuscan...
Wine Review Online | Columns
Divorcing Your Wine Cellar
I have this good friend, Rick, who retired a few years ago from his hectic day-to-day grind as an owner / winemaker to enjoy the...
Remembering Mike Grgich: The Man Who Put California Wines on the Map
The wine world lost a giant last month. Miljenko “Mike” Grgich, the man who thrust California wine onto the...
Lessons from Judging a Wine Competition
Last week I had the opportunity to sit in as a judge for the Texsom International Wine Awards (TIWA). It was an...
Sidetracks to Great Wine: Ten Top Destinations
Summer travel season is now nearly underway for most people, with the end of school on the horizon, and travel industry experts...
Cheers! Wine-Based Cocktails
While it’s true that nothing beats a glass of good wine as the sun sets and dinner looms, every now and then a pre-dinner...
An Inside Look at Wine Marketing
Wines of Argentina, Spain, South Africa, Chile, Germany, Alsace… wherever the wine is from, “Wines...
Wine’s Homogenization: A Brief History
Wine today is radically different from wine in the past. Not just the distant past, the wines that the Greeks or Romans or...
Oddballs II: Three Grapes That Spice It Up
The vast majority of all wines made, purchased and consumed in this country are the product of six grape varieties, which can...
Quality Mexican Wine? Surely, You Jest?
Indeed, I do not. During a week-long family vacation to Mexico City over Christmas last year, we drank a range of...
Super Slovenian
Being aboard an Airbus A-320 in business class this past June from Paris to Ljubljana to discover a new wine in Slovenia was...
Thoughts Regarding Wine’s So-Called Decline
Given that we’re meeting on a wine website, I’m sure you’ve seen or heard reports of a recent downturn in wine consumption. ...