Getting all the verbiage straight in this wine’s appellation of origin may be difficult, but enjoying the wine could not be easier. It hits the sweet spot precisely situated between richness and freshness, with notable palate weight and flavor impact but also excellent acidity. Indeed, so refreshing is the wine that I was quite surprised to see that the vintage I was tasting was 2020 rather than 2021. But that’s good news, showing the quality of the fruit as well as the continuing viability of the wine. The fruit notes recall golden apples and autumn pears, graced with a spritz of lemon juice and wonderfully accented with mineral notes that ride alongside the fruit through the persistent finish. Ultra-versatile and completely delicious.
Casalfarneto, Verdicchio dei Castelli di Jesi Classico Superiore (Marche, Italy) 2020
By Michael Franz