Breakneck Creek Vineyard is located on the east side of Seneca Lake in a region the locals colloquially describe as the banana belt. During the fall, Seneca Lake acts as a heat sump, radiating heat absorbed by the sun and moderating the temperature into the evening. Forge’s 2022 Breakneck Creek Vineyard Dry Riesling is bright with tropical pineapple, nectarine, white blossom, key lime, and papaya. Its bright acidity is mouthwatering with each sip. Rick Rainey and Louis Barroul founded Forge Cellars in 2011 and have been consistently making excellent wine. Their efforts start with making quality choices in the vineyard and continue with a lighter-hand approach in the winery. Like many of Forge Cellars’ Rieslings, this one is age worthy but also incredibly exciting to drink today.
96 Vince Simmon
Forge Cellars, Seneca Lake (New York) Dry Riesling Breakneck Creek 2022 ($28)
By Vince Simmon