Grant Burge’s Shiraz wines beautifully reflect their origins. Their power and intensity will not be to everyone’s tastes, but they are distinctive and a classic example of what the Barossa has to offer. He purchased the Miamba vineyard in 1983 when it was bare land and planted it so the vines are in their mature stage and offer up everything the site has to offer. It’s Barossa Shiraz in spades–just what it is supposed to be–a ripe powerhouse but because of Burge’s talent, not over the top. Filled with succulent black fruit-like flavors, its polished tannins make it appealing for current consumption. Plan to drink it when the outside temperature is below freezing and there’s a bubbling cauldron of cassoulet on the stove.
Grant Burge, Barossa (South Australia, Australia) Shiraz 2008
By Michael Apstein