February 7, 2021
We are saddened to report that Robert Whitley, publisher of Wine Review Online, passed away on February 3 after a brief bout with cancer. Robert was also the author of “Wine Talk,” a column syndicated nationally by the Creators Syndicate, a monthly contributor to the Reuters “Vine Talk” column, and director of four major international wine competitions: San Diego International Wine and Spirits Challenge, Critics Challenge, Sommelier Challenge and Winemaker Challenge.
Robert became a friend to countless journalists, members of the wine trade, competition judges and volunteers over the years. All are invited to send brief reminiscences and appreciations to Michael Franz at [email protected]. We compiled many of these and published them in an Appreciation which will be archived and also available via a link at Robert's profile on the WRO "About Us" page.
Robert's memory will live on through the wine competitions and also here on Wine Review Online.
Posted by Michael Franz at 3:30 PM