Taylor Fladgate’s Century of Port

Nov 21, 2006 | Blog

The clever folks at Taylor Fladgate, one of the Port industry’s top five houses, have come up with a scintillating gift package for this holiday season. They’ve dubbed it A Century of Port.

What you get in the handsome wooden box is four 375ML bottles of tawny Port — a 10-year-old, a 20-year-old, a 30-year-old and a 40-year-old. Add ’em up and that’s 100 years of tawny, a century as it were.

Anyone who has ever passionately engaged in the debate over which tawny Ports are more rewarding — the younger, fruitier releases or the more rare, more refined, less fruity older tawny Ports — will positively drool over this gift, priced at a quite reasonable $225.

The time for talking is over. Open all four bottles and decide for yourself which style you prefer. Best of all, after the bottles have been opened they will keep for several months without noticeable deterioration.