Whitley On Wine Radio Profiles Rosenthal The Malibu Estate

Mar 28, 2008 | Blog

My topic today on the Whitley On Wine radio show is Rosenthal – The Malibu Estate, a unique winery situated along the Southern California coast not far from Hollywood, of all places.

Christian Roguenant, the talented Frenchman whose base of operations is the Baileyana winery in California’s Central Coast, makes the Rosenthal wines — classic varietals such as Cabernet Sauvignon, Merlot and Chardonnay.

These superb wines routinely garner praise — and medals — at the numerous wine competitions that populate the California landsape at this time of year. I will chat with Rosenthal Director Neil McNally about the unique microclimate of Malibu-Newton Canyon (just four miles from the Pacific) that provides a hospitable environment for the heat-seeking likes of Cabernet Sauvignon.

A Certified Wine Educator (CWE), Neil will take us through the history and evolution of this unusual wine estate, owned by movie mogul George Rosenthal.

You can listen live at 2 p.m. PT, 5 p.m. ET or podcast Whitley On Wine at SignOnSanDiego.com, the website of the San Diego Union-Tribune.

Photo: Neil McNally.