Bargain Bordeaux

Oct 7, 2008 | Blog

While perusing the offerings in the stylish wine shops of Saint-Emilion recently, I was appalled by the prices. For a mere 2000-plus Euros I could have had a bottle of Le Pin or Petrus!

Who pays those crazy prices? Isn’t there a worldwide economic crisis on?

Anyway, that’s the bad news. The good news is that bargain Bordeaux does exist and I stumbled across a number of excellent wines in the $25 to $45 price range during my brief stay on the Right Bank of Bordeaux.

That’s the subject of my Creators Syndicate column this week. Click here to read the whole thing. What I found was that many chateaux have changed hands in recent years — Clos des Jacobins and Chateau Pressac, just to name a couple — and with the new ownership came new energy and a commitment to quality.

Or, in the case of Chateau Mazeris of Canon Fronsac, the wines have been good but are relatively unknown in the United States. Whatever the case, Bordeaux lovers priced out of the market in recent years do have alternatives. And these are not minor wines only made to be consumed young. It’s serious Bordeaux and worthy or your cellar — and mine.