Is the WinePod the Next Cool Geek Gadget?

Dec 5, 2008 | Blog

Speaking of holiday gifts (weren’t we?) I just received an email from my good friend Thrace Bromberger, one of the partners in Napa’s Gustavo Thrace winery.

Said she:

OK,  you want a cool gift for the wine geeks?  Check out the WinePod at We have them here at the tasting room and also offer a custom crush by Gustavo that gives you four cases of your own little wine (that is what the unit produces at a time) with your own labels, etc. You’ll have to come see it and taste the wines made in it. We have a half dozen of them at the winery and Gustavo is running different ‘batches,’ playing with clones, did a late harvest Cab, etc. Pretty nifty little system!

Miss Thrace

I saw this clever device when I stopped by the Gustavo Thrace tasting room (in the Oxbox Center near Copia) on my last trip to Napa. I’ll be in the valley next week and will make a point to swing by and taste some of the WinePod wines.

Gustavo, by the way, is the same Gustavo Brambila depicted in the movie Bottle Shock! Just in case you missed that.