Which Wine Rocks with Pulled Pork?

Aug 21, 2008 | Blog

This is my idea of a really pressing question.  And thanks to Marguerite Thomas and Paul Lukacs, I know the answer.

If you aren’t already familiar with the “Wine With” feature that Paul and Marguerite have been publishing since we launched Wine Review Online four years ago, it is high time that you became familiar with it.

There are plenty of sources out there for advice on pairing foods and wines, but none that do what ‘Wine With’ does:  Take real foods of the sort eaten by real people; crack open a dozen different wines that are plausible partners for the food, and then examine the results with two very sharp, very experienced palates.

We post the results of their experiments here every other week, and you’ll find that the descriptions are mouth-watering and that the results are often quite surprising.

But beyond merely indicating which wines worked best with the food item in question, Marguerite and Paul also recount the inner experience of tasting the wines and the dish in a way that tells you why certain wine types work well with particular foods.

If you follow their tasting trail, you’ll build knowledge that will really help you make good choices off restaurant wine lists, as well as buy wines at retail stores that will make your own cooking sing….