Everybody knows that Merlot was the whipping boy of American wine for almost a decade in the wake of “Sideways,” and almost everybody that really understands the wine trade knew that it would ultimately be better for it, as all the young vines planted during the “French Paradox” Merlot craze matured and started to produce better grapes. Wines like this make it clear that that eventuality has, well, eventuated. Priced at $21 for three liters of quality wine, this delivers very tasty fruit recalling black plums and ripe red berries, with just a touch of sweetness and no harsh tannins, but plenty of substance to drink at the table rather than just as a cocktail. Platinum Medal winner at the 2013 San Diego International Wine Competition.
Bota Box, California (United States) Merlot 2011
By Michael Franz