Virna Borgogno, Barolo DOCG (Piedmont, Italy) 2016

Jan 5, 2022

By Michael Franz

 This house made a stunning Cannubi Boschis in 2015 and this wine may be just as strong.  It shows very deep color and actually seemed a bit bigger, riper and more structured than the amazing Sarmassa turned out by Brezza in this same vintage.  My guess is that this was picked a bit later, but in any case, a liqueur note on both the nose and palate suggests that the fruit was left to hang in this late-ripening vintage, and was then taken in just when it has achieved maximum phenological ripeness but before showing any over-ripe notes or excess sugar that could make for a hot finish after fermentation.  If I’m right that this risk was run, the gamble paid off and the result is sensational.  I’ve already purchased some of this for my cellar, and the process of fleshing out my raw note from January makes me wish I had purchased more.   

Country / Region

Piedmont, Italy


Barolo DOCG

Grape Variety








US $ 70.00


Virna Borgogno