Battle of the Bubbles, cont.

Nov 27, 2009 | Blog

I would like to weigh in with my opinion on the controversy regarding the washing of sparkling wine glasses recently raised by my colleague, WRO editor Michael Franz.  [See yesterday’s posting by clicking on “More WRO Wine Blog” at the bottom of this section.]  It seems that my other WRO colleague, Michael Apstein, favors washing wine glasses with detergent and then thoroughly rinsing the glasses.  Franz, on the other hand, never uses soap when washing his sparkling wine glasses.

My position is somewhere in-between, although I’m closer to Franz’s opinion.  Soap in any form is anathema for wine/Champagne glasses, for all the reasons Franz lists.  Apstein can rinse all he wants, a la Lady MacBeth washing her hands, but that sneaky soap residue is almost impossible to remove.  My official position, since we published Wine for Dummies in 1995, where I write extensively about washing wine glasses, is that simple supermarket washing soda (Arm & Hammer is a leading brand) is best for washing one’s fine wine glasses (by hand, not in the dishwasher).  Washing soda leaves absolutely no residue, and leaves the glasses sparkling and germ-free.

I must admit that we put our inexpensive, everyday glasses in the dishwasher, but I would advise that you wash them separately in hot water, with no detergent.

Washing soda is inexpensive, and can be found in the detergent aisle in all supermarkets….