Everything Old Is New Again

Feb 1, 2017 | Blog

Once upon a time, in quaint wine villages throughout Europe, it was only natural that villagers consumed the local wine.

It was common for a family to stroll down to the neighborhood winery and stock up for a week or more by filling jugs and other containers with wine directly from a cask or tank.  Modern conveniences, such as grocery stores or wine shops with bottled wines displayed in neat stacks, were few and far between in many rural wine regions of the world.

Much has changed since that was the reality for many living and working in wine country, but some traditions die hard. In fact, sometimes they are reborn in the most unlikely venues.

Meet Lowell Jooste of LJ Crafted Wines, an urban winery located in the La Jolla community of San Diego.  Jooste and his family are originally from South Africa, where they made highly acclaimed wines for more than 20 years.  After moving to San Diego in 2012, the urge to remain in the wine business proved too much for Jooste to resist.

He was inspired to develop a unique urban winery concept that serves up premium Napa Valley and Sonoma Valley wines from the barrel.  The wines are custom-made at a winery in Yountville, California, and the finished wines are shipped in barrels to LJ.

Customers, who are mostly locals who live in the beach community and have signed up for the LJ Crafted Wines wine club, can either sit and sip in the bright and airy wine bar or have a growler filled to take home.  The growler, made of glass and sealed with a reusable cap, is an invention of San Diego’s vibrant craft beer industry that Jooste neatly adapted.

The integrity of the wine in the barrel is maintained through a proprietary device Jooste calls the "Wine Steward," for which there is a patent pending.  The Wine Steward extracts wine from the barrel without permitting air to get in, which would oxidize and likely spoil the remaining wine.

"When I was in the wine business in South Africa, so much time was spent on packaging, when my interest was in the wine," Jooste noted.

LJ Crafted Wines had been open nearly a year now, and Jooste says that he sells most of the wine to customers who fill their growler and take the wine home. I tasted a number of the LJ wines on a recent visit — Rosé, Sauvignon Blanc, Chardonnay, Pinot Noir and a stunning Petit Verdot — and found the quality to be very high.

Jooste says his wine club is nearly full, which means he’s selling most of the wines LJ produces.  The community seems to have embraced LJ’s barrel-to-bottle concept.  And why wouldn’t it? At another time and in another place, going to the local winery for a jug of wine was simply what you did.