Explaining the Wine Review Search Tool

Aug 20, 2007 | Blog

We are only a few days into our Reader Survey here at Wine Review Online, but already I can see that some people — a couple, really — are missing out on one of the site’s best features: the Wine Review search tool.

I am chagrined to learn that even one person might be unaware of this easy-to-use function in the Reviews section of Wine Review Online.

How do I know? The comments. One reader opined that it would be great if someday he or she could search for reviews by producer, date posted, or scores. Another suggested that it would be nice to be able to find reviews without having to scroll through the entire archive, which now numbers about 5000 reviews, or find wines sorted by country.

Oh my! We have a tool that does all of that and more. And it’s easy. First click on Reviews. The reviews displayed are for the current issue only. But in the upper left corner there is a column topped by the word Reviews. Beneath that there are two links: Review Archives and Wine Search.

Click on Review Archives and a page appears without reviews. But in the column on the left there is a list of countries. Click on the country that interests you and all of the reviews on wines from that country will display.

The second link — Wine Search — brings up a screen with multiple search options. There a reader can search by country or region, varietal, vintage, producer, score, price or reviewer.

There’s also a field for keywords, so readers can search by proprietary designation, such as “Insignia” or “Cinq Cepages,” or by importer, such as Kobrand or Palm Bay.

And all of the reviews include the date they were posted. This is an invaluable tool for anyone who needs to look up a wine review when considering a purchase, or simply for background on a wine of interest.

Try it! I hope you’ll agree with me that it’s one of the most useful navigation tools here at WRO.