Shipments of ’03 Brunello Embargoed in Dispute

Apr 2, 2008 | Blog

“The Dish” over at has the scoop on the dispute that is rocking the world of Brunello di Montalcino.

Seems the magistrate of Siena has put the kibosh on all shipments of the ’03 vintage until the matter is resolved. Brunello that already has been exported will not be affected.

I just got wind of this from the folks at Castello Banfi, but apparently all Brunello producers fall under the magistrate’s order. I haven’t been able to raise any comment because everyone who is anyone in Italian wine (most everyone, at least) is attending the opening day (and by now, the opening night, which could mean they’ve already bellied up to the bar at Bottega del Vino!) at Vinitaly in Verona.

I plan to follow this story closely because a) I love Brunello and b) it is one of the most affordable “collectible” reds on the market today. Stay tuned.