Carmen Winery has been around for over a century and helped popularize Carmenère in Chile. Today, in Colchagua, Carmenère is the second most widely planted grape variety and helps put the Colchagua Denominaciónes de Origen on the wine map. Carmen’s Gran Reserva is an appealing wine and hits all the wickets that my American friends and family want in their red wines. The nose is fruit driven with light smokey notes that remind me of a burnt campfire. The body is dry in wine terms but enjoys a little sweetness to compliment its mouthfeel and flavors, which include prune, tobacco leaf, dried cranberry, Acai berry, and fig. With a price tag under $20 and a wide distribution, this wine is a safe choice to broaden your wine experience or share with your friends who need a nudge outside of their normal wine routine.
Carmen, Colchagua (Valle de Cachapoal, Chile) Carmenère 2021
By Vince Simmon