Wine Sales Donated to Haitian Relief

Feb 2, 2010 | Blog

The catastrophic earthquake that recently struck Haiti has tapped into the generosity of people around the world.  In these times of dire need, Americans, in particular, show their best side by rallying to the need for aid.

For a number of years, Patrick Campbell, owner/winemaker of Laurel Glen Vineyards in Sonoma County, and his partner Tim Chegwidden have been contributing part of the profits from the sale of Chevere!, a Chilean Cabernet Sauvignon, to the Lambi Fund of Haiti, a peasant-led community organization working toward a strengthened democratic society. Responding to the news of the Haiti earthquake, the partners are turning over all profits of Chevere! For at least the next two months.

Grapes for Chevere! Cabernet Sauvignon come from the Isla de Maipo, an island of land between the Maipo and Mapocho Rivers, just south of Santiago. Campbell says that because the rivers overflow on occasion, the deposits, including beds of gravel, have created a terroir “somewhat reminiscent of the river banks in the Medoc region of Bordeaux.”  He describes the 2007 Chevere! as having “the distinctive sauvage quality of the Cabernet that one finds in many of the classified growths of the Medoc, underscored by deep cassis fruit tones.”  

Chevere! sells for $11 in 13 states, including California and New York, and British Columbia.  If your local merchant doesn’t carry Chevere!, ask him to order the wine.  And if you know of a restaurant sponsoring fund-raising dinners for Haiti relief, ask them to serve Chevere! with the meal.  For more information about Chevere! contact [email protected]. Information about the Lambi Fund of Haiti is available on the Web Site

Buy a bottle or a case today and help the disaster relief in Haiti.  You’ll not only have a tasty Chilean red wine for dinner tonight but also the priceless satisfaction that your wine dollars are being used to help people in need.