Wine With . . . Cassoulet

Dec 8, 2009 | Wine With…

By Paul Lukacs and Marguerite Thomas

Wine With . . . Cassoulet

by Paul Lukacs and Marguerite Thomas

For holiday entertaining, few things are as rewarding as cassoulet, the classic dish from southwestern France.    A guaranteed crowd pleaser, this tasty, hearty fare is one of the most wine-friendly dishes imaginable.  It’s a great dish to have simmering on the stove at a party or open house this time of year.

Because it is indigenous to a large geographic area, cassoulet is based on regional traditions and local ingredients rather than a single recipe.  As Julia Child says (in Mastering the Art of French Cooking, Volume One), “variations and dogmatisms” are rampant.  But the essential cassoulet concept is actually simple:  Beans are cooked in a deep pot with a variety of different meats.  The dish is almost always topped with a layer of crispy bread crumbs, and is redolent of garlic, herbs, and the richness of long, slow-cooking.  

Though cassoulet is best when cooked at least a day ahead of time (or even weeks in advance, and frozen), we discovered that this dish can be absolutely delicious even without the desired resting period.  We also found that it’s possible to make terrific cassoulet with a minimum of fuss and bother.

Most French recipes call for “haricots blancs”–white beans.  We like to use navy beans because they are small, but other types such as Great Northern, Cannellini, and white limas are equally good.  Incidentally, we stopped pre-soaking beans for any recipe several years ago.  Soaking beans may minimally leach out those infamous gas-producing sugars, and may slightly reduce cooking times; but as long as the beans aren’t too old (i.e. they haven’t been sitting around in a kitchen cupboard for the past 12 months) these effects are negligible.  Another long held myth about beans is that adding salt before they’re thoroughly cooked makes them tough; but in fact, adding salt to the water as they cook gives them time to absorb the salty flavors.  (Adding it after the beans are cooked concentrates most of the saltiness on the surface of the beans.)

As for the meats included in the dish, there is another myth that claims duck defines cassoulet.  Nonsense.  As Julia Child wrote, “an extremely good cassoulet can be made anywhere out of beans and whatever of its traditional meats are available: goose, game, pork, sausages, lamb, mutton.”  Not even a mention of duck.  So yes, if duck is available (and better yet duck confit), by all means use it; but don’t be afraid to do as we did and substitute chicken.  The resulting dish will be festive, full of flavor, and just the thing for celebrating the holiday season.


Feel free to add ham hocks, a chunk of ham, diced prosciutto, minced salt pork, and/or pieces of lamb to the mix, or to substitute duck or goose for the chicken.

Serves 6-8

1 pound dried white beans

6 cups water

About ¼ pound pancetta or bacon

6-8 boneless, skinless chicken thighs

1 pound pork shoulder cut into 1-inch cubes

1 large onion, minced

1 carrot, diced

4-6 cloves garlic (or more, to taste), minced

½ cup minced parsley

2 teaspoons dried thyme

2 bay leaves

6 cups chicken stock

2 teaspoons salt

Freshly ground black pepper

1 teaspoon red pepper flakes

1 tablespoon tomato paste or 1 14.5 ounce can diced tomatoes (drained)

1 pound Polish, garlic, or Kielbasa sausage

½ cup bread crumbs

Preheat the oven to 375 degrees.

Simmer the beans in water for about 30 minutes, then drain and return them to the pot.  Meanwhile, coarsely chop the pancetta or bacon and spread the pieces on a rimmed baking sheet.  Bake for about 5-8 minutes, or until the meat is partially cooked.  Leave the grease in the bottom of the pan and remove the meats with a slotted spoon.  Toss the cubes of pork shoulder and the chicken thighs with whatever bacon fat is in the pan, and bake for about 10 minutes, until the meats are lightly browned.  Transfer the chicken to the refrigerator, and add the pork to the pot with the beans, along with the pancetta or bacon.  Add the onion, carrots, garlic, parsley, thyme and bay leaves.  Pour in the chicken stock (it should come a couple of inches above the level of the beans; if it doesn’t, add more stock or enough water to make up the difference).  Add salt, pepper and red pepper flakes, and stir in the tomato paste (or diced tomatoes).  Bring the mixture to a boil, cover the pot tightly, and transfer it to the oven.  Reduce the heat to 325 degrees and bake for about 60 minutes.   Nestle the chicken thighs into the bean mixture and cook for another 60-90 minutes, or until beans are very tender. 

About an hour before serving, sprinkle the breadcrumbs over the top of the cassoulet.  Raise the temperature to 350 degrees and bake, uncovered, for about 60 minutes, or until crumbs are brown and crisp.  Meanwhile, slice the sausage into 1 inch pieces and sauté them in a skillet until they are browned and cooked through.  Cut the pieces in half, and when the cassoulet comes out of the oven distribute them over the top of it.

t   t   t 

We tried thirteen different red wines with our cassoulet.  Since we were thinking of it as a dish for holiday entertaining, we only opened wines costing $20 or less (including one bag in box wine, which we’re recommending enthusiastically).  The wines that disappointed us almost all were too big, tannic, or alcoholic.  Whether a Zinfandel or Cabernet, and whether from Australia, the Americas, or Europe, they simply got in the way of the dish.  By contrast, the wines we’re recommending all shared a soft, comforting mouth-feel.  None were especially complex or multi-layered, but all were very enjoyable.  Our conclusion, then, was that fancy, powerhouse reds will disappoint with cassoulet.  Instead, look for soft, medium-weight wines that feel silky or velvety, their texture echoing that of the long-cooked beans in the dish.  




Approx. Price



Adriano, Douro (Portugal) 2005

(Imported by Maisons Marques & Domaines)





A blend of three traditional Portuguese red wine grapes, Touriga Franca, Tinta Roriz and Touriga Nacional, this wine feels very soft and supple.  While fresh, it seems fully mature, and its red fruit, enhanced by a hint of peppery spice in the finish, made it shine especially brightly with our cassoulet.    




Alamos, Mendoza (Argentina) Malbec “Selección” 2007

(Imported by Alamos USA)





Though richly fruited, this wine’s pliant tannins enabled it to pair well with a dish that neither needs nor wants a more powerful, pungent partner.  One of the charms of Argentinean Malbec is its ability to deliver full flavor in an approachable manner.  That’s exactly what this wine does.  




Herding Cats, Western Cape (South Africa) Merlot/ Pinotage 2008

(Imported by Herding Cats USA)




 $20/ 3L


You can buy this wine (for about $8) in a regular 750 ml bottle, but we tried it from a three liter box – the sort of container that might be just the thing to open at a holiday open house party.  We found it smooth and silky, with plenty of fresh fruit flavor.  Sure it tasted simple, but it also tasted good, and it paired quite nicely with our cassoulet.




Maison Bouachon, Côtes-du-Rhône (France) “Les Rabassières” 2006

(Imported by SFW America)





Some Côtes-du-Rhône reds taste extremely earthy, fruit being a secondary flavor.  Not this one.  Leathery, peppery notes stay very much in the background, allowing bright red berry flavors to come to the fore.  That profile makes it less complex than some other Rhône wines, but it also is what allowed it to complement this particular dish so effectively.





Valley of the Moon, Sonoma County (California) Sangiovese 2007







As with all the wines we are recommending with this dish, pliant tannins and a supple texture made this Sangiovese shine.  Cassoulet is a comfort food, and this certainly is a comforting because comfortable wine.