WRO on the Air Now Just a Click Away!

Jun 27, 2008 | Blog

If you’re not a first-time visitor you’ve probably noticed a few changes here at Wine Review Online over the past few days.

We’ve added an audio section that features the Whitley On Wine radio show, a weekly half-hour of radio produced by the San Diego Union-Tribune’s SignOnRadio.com, and weekly guest appearances by WRO Editor Michael Franz and columnist Paul Lukacs on WAMU, a National Public Radio affiliate in Washington, D.C.

We’ll post new segments from each show every Wednesday.

Then there are the Wine Bytes, which are 45- to 60-second audio wine reviews that I record in the San Diego sound studio of Corkery Productions.

We hope you will click and listen — and enjoy — these new features we’ve added to Wine Review Online to help you better navigate the sometimes overwhelming number of choices you have when you set out on a wine buying expedition.

Oh, one other thing. Watch this space closely over the coming months. We have other nifty ideas only now in the planning stage!