Wine Reviews

An archive of all wine reviews
Rich Cook
February 13, 2024
 You may remember the days when the “store brand” at your favorite grocer was all that you could afford, and that sometimes the store...
Rich Cook
February 13, 2024
 Beautifully realized wine.  It is fully ripe, but maintains subtle peppery character and some cedar spice notes that cut through properly brambly fruit on...
Rich Cook
February 13, 2024
 Fred and Jamie Peterson practice a zero manipulation approach to winemaking, preferring to the let vineyard tell its own story in the bottle.  This...
Rich Cook
February 13, 2024
 Winemaker Rusty Folena’s continuing experiment with the Brunello clone of Sangiovese is very different vintage to vintage, as he’s always trying to let the...
Rich Cook
February 13, 2024
 A second label from Sierra Foothills pioneer Scott Harvey’s team, this might be an unexpected variety from the region, but this bottling shows that...
Wayne Belding
February 13, 2024
 While the Finger Lakes are best known for Rieslings and other whites, their cool climate red wines deserve attention as well.  Nathan Kendall of...
Wayne Belding
February 13, 2024
 The Snake River Valley AVA was established in 2007 and encompasses over 8,000 square miles in Idaho and Oregon.  The climate is sunny and...
Wayne Belding
February 13, 2024
 This is a zesty and refreshing white from vineyards on the Atlantic Coast of northern Spain.  Txakoli is famous for its formidable level of...
Michael Apstein
February 13, 2024
 Fortunately, most people don’t translate the grape’s name, Xinomavro, (literally, sour back) before buying the wine.  It is considered by many to be Greece’s...
Michael Apstein
February 13, 2024
 Jancis Robinson in her encyclopedic Wine Grapes (Harper Collins 2012) reports that Mvarodafni is likely the Greece’s most well-known grape because of the sweet,...
Michael Apstein
February 13, 2024
 Argyros, an old family winery founded in 1903, has a stellar reputation on Santorini.  After tasting this racy Assyrtiko, I see why.  Many consider...
Rebecca Murphy
February 13, 2024
 The Abruzzo region is located in the middle of Italy’s boot.  Its western border is the Adriatic Sea with the Appenine Mountain Range on...